Ear Wax Removal in Dubai

What is Earwax?

Ear wax also known as cerumen is a normal secretion from the glands located within the outer third of the ear canal. Most often it is moist, brown coloured sticky waxy substance.

If you are in search of an effective and smooth procedure for ear wax removal in Dubai or ear cleaning in Dubai do visit our ENT specialist Dr. Mustafa Kapadia. With more than 10 years of experience, he also specializes in endoscopic ear surgery.

Benefits of Earwax Removal in Dubai:

Normally the ear wax gets cleaned on its own and we don’t need to worry about it. In fact, too much ear cleaning can be unhealthy, as it leaves ear canal skin dry and itchy. Sometimes you can create a scratch and sore in the canal skin, which can become a site of an infection. Dr Kapadia is the well known for the ear wax removal Dubai.

Is it advisable to use Q- tips/ Cotton buds to clean ear wax?

Most of us has a habit of using Q-tips to clean our ears, but is it advisable? We can use Q-tips to simply wipe-off excess water from the most outer part of the ear canal and the pinna. But when we use Q-tips to clean ear wax, we typically push ear wax further deep into the bony ear canal, where it won’t be able to be move out, when we move our jaw. 

Ear Wax Removal in Dubai - Dr Mustafa Kapadia

Also, the cotton fibres of the Q-tips will get attached to the ear wax, which might run a risk of developing fungal infection(otomycosis). And lastly, you might push Q-tips deep inside the ear canal, which will lead to damage or rupture of your ear drum. Very rarely you might dislocate small, tiny ear bones (ear ossicles) in the middle ear leading to hearing loss, which will eventually require surgical correction.

To ensure safe and effective ear wax removal in Dubai, or ear cleaning in Dubai, UAE it is advisable to seek professional assistance from an ENT specialist, who can provide expert guidance and perform the necessary procedures to remove ear wax safely. including ear wax cleaning, to remove ear wax safely

Why some people need to get their ear wax cleaned more frequently than others?

Too much build-up of ear wax can lead to sense of ear blockage, decreased hearing and rarely ear pain. For ear wax to get cleaned on its own, the ear canal should be wide enough and straight. In individuals with smaller narrow ear canal, even normal quantity of ear wax will tend to get stuck because of smaller area and leading to wax impaction. 

Also, individuals who are using hearing aids, earphone, ear plugs seem to produce more ear wax and frequent wax impaction. But in reality, the ear wax which normally moves out with every jaw movement gets stuck at the tip of these devices leading to wax accumulation and impaction. If you are experiencing such issues, it is advisable to seek ear wax removal in Dubai  or ear cleaning in Dubai to address the problem and restore proper ear health.

When should you visit an ENT Specialist for ear wax removal in Dubai?

Ear wax removal in Dubai -cleaning procedures:

Ear wax Removal Price in Dubai, UAE:

The ear wax removal price in Dubai, UAE varies depending on the clinic and the treatment method. In Dubai, you can find a range of prices for this ear wax removal procedure, with many clinics offering professional and safe  ear cleaning services in Dubai, UAE. It’s best to consult with a local clinic to understand the specific costs and options available for ear wax removal near me in your area. For detailed information on the ear wax removal price Dubai, contact Dr. Mustafa Kapadia’s clinic directly. Experience quality ear care with one of the leading ENT specialists in the UAE.

Frequently Asked Questions

A grey, orange, red, or yellowish waxy substance secreted by humans and other mammals is known as ear wax or cerumen. Dead skin cells, hair, and cerumen are among the components of earwax. It is secreted by ceruminous and sebaceous glands in the outer ear canals.

Certainly, excessive ear wax can cause hearing loss, but it is not as common as one might think.
In fact, very few patients seen by an ENT Specialist have hearing loss that is directly caused by excessive ear wax (cerumen impaction).

Earwax can range in color from light yellow to dark brown, the latter of which doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s blocking your ear. Those who are suffering from earwax build-up may experience hearing loss, ringing in the ears, and a sensation of fullness and/or pain. If you suspect an infection due to this build-up, please contact an ENT specialist immediately – particularly if you’re also experiencing severe pain, persisting hearing loss, drainage, fever, or dizziness.

Consult Dr Mustafa Kapadia for Ear Wax Removal in Dubai.

You can prevent earwax blockage by avoiding using cotton-tipped swabs, Q-tips, and other objects that push wax deeper into the ear canal.

Modern methods of ear wax removal or ear cleaning are much easier, safer, and more comfortable than ear syringing of the past. The procedure of micro-suction earwax removal involves using a microscope to see inside your narrow ear canal and a medical suction device to remove the wax. Consult Dr Kapadia for the ear wax removal Dubai.

The technique of micro-suction involves using a binocular microscope to provide a clear and magnified view of the ear canal, which is safe, comfortable, and pain-free. In order to remove any ear wax obstructions safely, a fine low-pressure suction device can be used.

In fact, the most common cause of earwax blockage is at-home removal. Cotton swabs, bobby pins, and other objects can push wax deeper, causing a blockage in the ear canal. You are more likely to build up wax if you wear earphones frequently.

The earwax in dry ears becomes dry and hard, and when it is removed, it pulls out a skin of the ear canal, which can result in sore or mild bleeding from ears.

It is important to clean one’s ears when there is an excessive buildup of earwax. If one cleans their ears too often (twice a week or daily), excessive dryness and irritation may occur. Consult Dr Kapadia for Ear Wax Removal in Dubai.

The use of ear candles to clean the ear is often thought to create a vacuum, which, in turn, helps remove earwax. However, this is not true, as it is not a safe practice to use ear candles as they can cause hearing loss.

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