Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Conditions
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Ear Conditions
Ear Wax
Ear wax, commonly known as cerumen, is a natural fluid produced by glands in the ear canal’s outer third. It’s usually a sticky, waxy material that’s wet and brown.
Swimmer’s Ear
Swimmer’s ear (otitis externa) is a common illness that affects the outside section of the ear canal and is caused by bacterial infection. It causes ear discomfort, obstruction, and discharge. It occurs when water, sand, or grit become stuck in the outer ear canal, common among swimmers.
Otitis Media
Middle ear infection also known as otitis media is one of the most common paediatric conditions treated by an ENT doctor. As per the latest guidelines, 3 out of 5 children will have an ear infection by the time they are 5 years old. It is more often associated or followed by cold’s, allergy, or upper respiratory tract infection. Middle ear infection can happen in adults, but it is not that common as in kids.
Tympanic Membrane Perforation
The eardrum is a membranous oval-shaped structure that separates the external and middle ear. It vibrates when sound waves strike it, and it is an essential element of good hearing. The sound vibrations are subsequently transmitted to the cochlea through three ear bones (ear ossicles) (inner ear). Sound travels from the inner ear to the brain through the hearing nerve.
Serous Otitis Media
Repeated ear infections are very common in children younger than 6 years of age. While many of them will outgrow their tendency to get repeated ear infections by the age of 7, some of them due to immature immune system and poor function of the eustachian tube are at increased risk of repeated ear infections and persistence of fluids in the middle ear.
The skin growth (skin cyst) in the middle ear and mastoid is known as Cholesteatoma. There are two kinds of Cholesteatoma: “acquired” Cholesteatoma, which develops as a result of chronic ear infections, and “congenital” Cholesteatoma, which is present from birth.
Vertigo/ Dizziness
Dizziness is a word that describes a variety of feelings such as faintness, wooziness, weakness, or unsteadiness. Vertigo is a type of dizziness that gives the impression that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving.
Tinnitus is a condition in which you hear ringing or other disturbances in one or both ears. When you have tinnitus, the noise you hear isn’t generated by external sounds, and most people can’t hear it. Tinnitus is a frequent affliction. It affects 15% to 20% of the population, with elderly persons being the most affected.
Hearing loss
Hearing loss can affect one or both ears and can range from minor to severe. Hearing impairment, deafness, or hearing loss refers to the inability to hear sounds completely or partially.
Nose Conditions
Nasal Bleeding
The loss of blood from your nose is known as nasal bleeding (nosebleed). Nasal bleeding (also known as epistaxis) is rather frequent. 60% of people experience at least one nosebleed in their lives.
Deviated Nasal Septum
The nasal septum divides the nose into the right and left side. It usually sits in the middle and equally separates the nostrils. However, this is not the case for everyone. Many people have an uneven or crooked septum, causing one nasal passage to be bigger than the other.
Allergic Rhinitis
An allergen is a chemical that induces an allergic response despite its otherwise benign nature. Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to particular allergens. In seasonal allergic rhinitis, pollen is the most frequent allergen. These are allergy symptoms that appear when the seasons change. Allergic rhinitis affects between 10-15% percent of the world’s population.
Sinusitis is a very common and significant healthcare problem characterized by inflammation or infection of the sino-nasal mucosal lining. Depending on the symptom duration it could be acute or chronic.
Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy
The nasal turbinates are long, thin tubes that assist in warming and moistening the air that enters the nose. The nasal conchae are another name for turbinates and can obstruct airflow if they are overly big. Turbinate hypertrophy is the medical term for this condition.Turbinate hypertrophy is most often caused by enlargement of the inferior turbinates.
Nasal polyps
Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses that are soft and painless. They dangle from the ceiling like teardrops or grapes. Chronic inflammation causes them, and they are linked to asthma, recurrent infection, allergies, medication sensitivity, and some immunological diseases.
Fracture Nasal Bone
A broken nose, also known as a nasal fracture, is a break or split in one of your nose’s bones, most commonly the bone above the bridge.Contact sports, physical conflicts, falls, and motor vehicle accidents that result in facial trauma are all common causes of a broken nose. Swelling and bruises around the nose and the eyes are common symptoms of a broken nose. It’s possible that your nose is crooked, and you’re having difficulties breathing.
CSF Rhinorrhea (CSF Leak)
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, colorless, protective fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord, cushioning them from damage. CSF rhinorrhea is an uncommon condition, this condition arises as a result of thinning or attenuation of the bone which separates the brain from the sinonasal cavity.
Other Conditions
Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils, which are two lymphoid tissue lumps in the back of your throat.Your tonsils function as filters, keeping bacteria that could otherwise make their way into your airways and cause illness. Antibodies are also produced by them to help fight infection.
Hypertrophied Adenoids and Tonsils
On both sides at the back of the throat are the tonsils. The adenoids are found where the nasal passages meet the throat, higher and further back. The tonsils and adenoids play a part in the body’s ability to resist and fight infections. The tonsils are visible through the mouth, but not the adenoids. Enlargement is what hypertrophy refers to. In children, adenoid hypertrophy is frequent, but it is uncommon in adults.
Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Snoring is a raspy or loud sound produced by air passing through relaxed tissues in the throat, causing the tissues to vibrate while you breathe. Snoring is something that almost everyone does from time to time, but for some people, it may become a persistent problem. It might also be a sign of a significant health problem.
Voice disorders/ Hoarseness of Voice
When your voice sounds raspy, strained, or breathy, you have hoarseness (dysphonia). The loudness (how loud or quiet you talk) and pitch (how high or low you speak) may differ. There are various causes for hoarseness, but most are not dangerous and usually go away after a proper treatment.